
Maybe this is Elvis if he were still alive today … funny I keep drawing people with gray hair … trying to get comfortable with aging I guess )))


When I drew this about a week ago, I named it “Resident Evil”. I wasn’t 100% happy with that title, but it seemed to fit. Then, when I went to post it on Sunday, I was about to go to my mother’s memorial service. I realized the correct name for it … “Loss”. An emotion we have all experienced.

Nude 3

Since I switched to an iPad for my drawings, I haven’t done that many full figures. With my trusty old Rapidograph pen and paper, I used to draw whole bodies more often. As good as the Apple Pencil and iPad are, it’s still a bit like drawing with a log (compared with a Rapidograph) and the slick glass surface makes fine line control more difficult than with paper and pen. With more experience and practice, I’ll master both mediums.

On Stage

I’m surprised I haven’t done more work with a theatrical theme. Some of my fondest memories of my college days at UC Davis are centered around the Drama Department and one of my most profound influences, set designer Gene Chesley.


This one took me a while to name …. a tired, old, beleaguered face but emanating a shock wave. I realized that’s often how I feel … power simmering beneath the surface.

Eye 4

Another simple one. There is something about creating a situation where the viewer fills in the details from experiences and emotions that appeals to me. Let me know what this conjures up for you.

Peace 2

Thinking of peace in the holiday season … harmony, simplicity – native state for the spirit.


When I drew this, I named it “Maria” … no particular reason; she just looked like a “Maria”. When I went to post it, however, it struck me as a Madonna, but a dark, devilish one … hence she became “Diabla”.


This one started with the one line squiggle that forms the forehead, nose, mouth, chin and eye … the rest then followed – I had to draw my way out of it. This process produces some of my most interesting work.

The See

Puns … I can’t help it; I love them. Here an impression of the sea is coupled with vision.