Sam Norry is a New York photographer I got to know on Instagram … @snny2000 and @snny2000_color. He captures incredible images of people on New York streets from all social strata, with and without homes. With Sam’s blessings, I have used a number of his photos as reference for drawings. This is one such work – a homeless woman who seemed to pose with pride for Sam.
Affinity 2 … celebrity
Friend and Fine Art expert, Philip DeClare, suggested I do some celebrity portraits. I started with another friend, Jenna Elfman. Given my style, you pretty much have to know who you’re looking at for it to make sense. Still, it’s a good exercise for me and I am gratified to report the celebrities I have attempted, who have seen their portraits, have given very positive reviews. There is now a celebrity section on my gallery site at
Blue Dog
A friend noted that I’m usually drawing human faces and forms and wondered if I did animals. I explained that my wife is the portraitist of the family and sent him some pictures of her pet oils (she does people too). He was impressed with her talent but said he wanted to see a pet portrait in my style. I accepted the challenge and did this from a great snapshot he took of his dog “Blue”. So, yes, I am open to commissions.
Art Works
Growing up in the San Francisco area in the sixties, I was an avid admirer of the rock art posters of the day, and I still am. In addition to the “Big Five” SF poster artists, there were maybe a hundred others who produced thousands of posters – many of them quite good – and I have enjoyed discovering these on line. I even did one of these posters myself in 1967 for a concert at the University of California at Davis with Quicksilver Messenger Service and Loading Zone. I have regretted that I didn’t do more of these and recently decided there’s no reason I can’t make more now … so here’s the first, promoting my own work.
So Done
Social Distancing
It is the artist’s occupation to comment on the human condition. For good or for bad, no one can escape hearing about, talking about, thinking about the current corona virus outbreak these days. “Social distancing” is a phrase I hadn’t heard before a week or so ago … now it’s a thing. Despite the efficacy of the practice to curb the spread of the virus, I find the concept disturbing. We need one another and our interaction makes life worth living. Let’s make our distancing physical and not spiritual.
How much is “prolific”?
I thought I was a prolific artist cranking out an average of one work a day. That is until I recently read an article about Pablo Picasso, an artist I greatly admire.
According to the article, Picasso created 147,800 works of art in his 78 year career.
This included 13,500 paintings, 100,000 prints and engravings, 300 sculptures and ceramics, 34,000 illustrations and even 300 poems … wow!
Of these, the article went on to say, only 44 works are considered truly famous … less than .03%.
Not withstanding the fact that I believe far more than 44 of Picasso’s works are worthy of high admiration, the sheer magnitude of his output and dedication is staggering and speaks to the volume required to produce what is considered “great” work.
I need to up my game.
Embrace 2
Striking the balance between form and function. I owe my ability in this area to the many hours dedicated to creating bulletin board designs with cut out construction paper in my grammar school days … more on that in my YouTube channel. One of these days, when I have a studio space, I’m going to do some stained glass mosaics.