Older 2

As my body ages, the theme of the struggle between the spirit and the body comes up in my work again and again. Perhaps expressing it in my art will assist me in coming to grips with this dilemma and will help my audience find the most positive and effective attitude for it … resistance is not only futile, but unworkable.

Dreamer 7

This is one of those where I impressed myself with the simplicity and power my work can have. The pride in my accomplishment rests with capturing an exact moment in my being where I am expressing the wonder of dreaming and creating. It is magical.

Performance 3

I was thinking of an actor making a profound statement for a dramatic role and created a bold statement in line and color. Artists and actors are doing similar things in creating expressions of life outside of themselves though often drawing on the deeply personal.


An expression of simplicity and sensitivity. Days like this are priceless and I wish it for the whole world every day … it is possible.


A common theme in my images is people haunted by pictures of past misfortunes. “Scarred” is such a work. It is unhealthy to have part of you, or even all of you, living in the past. Survival depends on confronting and contending with the present and creating the future.

Aliens 2

A new favorite created after being deluged by stories of UFO’s on TikTok and other social media. I imagined a group of aliens hanging out together, discussing the landscape and making plans for the day with a red planet or sun as a backdrop. They appear friendly, as I hope actual visitors are.

Shy 7

One of the images from the Love collection … the trials, tribulations, triumphs and joys of relationships according to my experience. You can see them all by going to the gallery at jeffquiros.pixels.com and clicking on the Love Collection at the bottom.

Lady In Green

This is a bit of a departure for me given the busy background. It conveys an emotional feeling of fuzzy perception like looking through a window in the rain. The impressions are clear, however, and you get the idea you may have met this woman before.


A new favorite on a recurring theme of humanity. The roles individuals play in the game of life intrigues me. Each person is unique and important, even vital, yet an integral part of a larger view.

Bloom 3

In much of my work you can see the distinct influence of the rock art posters which grew out of the San Francisco music scene of the 60’s and 70’s. A scene I was present for. This one leans heavily on the inspiration of rock poster master Victor Moscoso in its use of juxtaposed colors creating an eye-jarring effect.