From the love series … one of the most enjoyable aspects of life is the organic growth experienced from the union of two beings.
Continuing to try different emotional tones to see which communicates the best … conclusion? It depends on the emotional tone of the audience, as one would expect, although I believe that higher toned people have a wider range of appreciation for lower toned images than lower toned people have for higher toned images.
Self Portait
The Wave
It is a wonder to me where inspiration comes from sometimes. This was drawn on November 5, 2018, the day before the midterm elections. I wasn’t consciously thinking about the elections; just started with a doodle. Today, 4 days later, it strikes me that the man in the drawing vaguely resembles Gavin Newsom, an acquaintance who won the election for California Governor 3 days ago – the day after the drawing. That the predominant color is blue and a “wave” is featured was also “unintentional”.
Coming To America
I’m trying something a little different to communicate more complex scenes with a minimalist view. This started with a line tracing of a famous photograph of three farmers on the way to a dance by August Sander. You can see other examples of this direction in the gallery.